

Attachments let you upload any kind of file to a Hypertable Project. Any images uploaded by an Image field or an Attachment field are stored in the Project's attachments.


Uploading Attachments

Attachment files can be uploaded via certain Record Fields, or in the Attachments tab in the Project Settings page.

Attachment Field

Click the Upload button in an Attachment field to open a file picker dialog. Any file from the device can be selected to be uploaded to the Project, and added to the field's current value.

Note: the Attachment field must have the Upload new files setting enabled in the Collection settings.

If the field has the Allow multiple attachments setting enabled, more than one file may be added to a single field. Otherwise, the current file must be replaced.

If an attached file is deselected from the Attachment field, the file is still stored in the Project's Attachments and may be reselected later.

Image Field

The Image field is very similar to the Attachment field above, however only image files may be selected or uploaded, and a thumbnail of the image is displayed in the field instead of the file name.

Rich Text Field

The Rich Text field allows image files to be uploaded.

Click the button in the editor toolbar, then select Upload Image to open a file picker dialog.

Project Settings

In the Project settings page (click the Project button in the Project header), select the Attachments tab to view the list of Attachment files in the current Project.

Click the Upload button to open a file picker dialog to upload a new Attachment file. The name and description of the Attachment can be edited, the click Upload to confirm the upload of the new file.

Editing Attachments

The settings for individual Attachment files within a Project can be editing in Attachments tab in the Project settings page (click the Project button in the Project header, then select the Attachments tab).

Click the Edit button for the Attachment file to edit to open the Edit Attachment modal. A number of attributes of the Attachment can be edited:

  • the attachment's name
  • the attachment's description
  • whether the file is shared publicly
  • an optional "document number"

Other attributes are displayed, but cannot be edited:

  • the file's type
  • the file's extension
  • the file's size

To delete an Attachment, click the button for the Attachment, then select Delete attachment. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

To edit which Attachment files are selected in specific Record Fields, please see the relevant section for the specific Field type.

Storage Requirements

Attachment files in a Project count towards the Workspace's Storage for billing purposes. See the Workspaces section for more information on billing, including user-specified limits.

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