

Views allow you to display and edit the data in Records. Some Views may show data from one record, some may show many records from a Collection, and some may show data from multiple Collections.

You many have as many views as you like within a Project, and you can mix and match View types as you see fit.


Views Introduction

There are three kinds of Views:

  • Project Views - Display a number of Records or Metrics across a number of Collections
  • Collection Views - Display/edit a number of Records from a single Collection
  • Record Views - Display/edit a single Record

All the Hypertable Views belong to one of the above category. Read more about each of the available Views in the following sections.

Creating Views

To create a new View, either:

The Create View modal is displayed where the new View can be configured. Settings that can be configured include:

  • the View's name - the name of the View is displayed in the Project Sidebar
  • the View's description - an optional longer description of the View if any additional information is required to explain its purpose
  • the View's icon - displayed in the Project Sidebar to help identify the View at a glance
  • the View's colour - displayed in the Project Sidebar to help identify the View at a glance
  • the View's "Scope" - the main category of View, one of "Project", "Collection" or "Record"
  • the View's "Type" - the specific type of View to create
  • the View's Collection - only applicable for Collection and Record Views, this is the Collection from which Records will be displayed

Click Create View to confirm the settings, create the new View, and open the created View.

Editing Views

To edit a View, perform one of the following:

  • Right-click the View in the Project Sidebar, then select View Settings; or
  • Open the View, then click the View settings button in the top-right corner of the View; or
  • Open the Project Settings page, select the Views tab, then click the Edit button on the selected View.

The Edit View modal is displayed where the View's settings can be edited. See the sections for the specific View types for more details on the settings each type of View.

Default Views

Collections can optionally specify default Collection and Record Views. This is particularly useful for specifying a Record View to use to open Records with, instead of the Record Preview.

To set default Views for a Collection, open the Collection settings, then select the Collection Info tab. Select an existing Collection View or Detail View in the respective dropdown boxes, and confirm the selection by clicking Save.

Record Preview

The Record Preview is similar to a Record View. However, it does not need to be created or configured. By default, when a Record is Edited, the Record is opened using the Record Preview.

The fields displayed in the Record Preview are displayed in the order that they are defined in the Collection Field settings. The Fields can be reordered by editing the Collection settings.

View Types

There are a number of types of View, suited to display or edit data in different ways. You may have as many Views and types of View in a Project as you like.

List View

A List View is a "Collection" View which displays a number of records in a paginated table. The columns in the table are Fields in the Collection, and are configurable in the View's settings. Any number of Fields can be displayed, though screen space becomes the limiting factor.

Field columns can optionally be made editable. This allows the value to be edited inline in the List View without first opening the Record. This is often useful for things like quickly updating a Record's status in a Select field.

List View Settings

  • Record colour - display a coloured "flash" at the left-hand end of the record
  • Freeze first column - freeze the first column so that it is always visible, even if the view overflows horizontally. Very useful for Views often used on mobile devices
  • Fields - configure the Fields in the Collection to display in the table columns
    • optionally override the column header label, the default value is the Field name
    • set the Field to be editable inline
    • hide the Field in the View - useful for keeping the Field's configuration, but temporarily hiding it

Kanban View

A Kanban View is a "Collection" View displaying a Kanban board. Records in the Collection are grouped into in columns by a selected Field, and displayed as cards displaying a subset of the Record's data.

Records are grouped into columns based one of the following Field types:

Note: any Field option enabling selection of multiple options/users/Records must not be selected. The Kanban View shows which one value the selected Field has across the visible Records, and allowing multiple values is not supported.

Record cards can be dragged from one column to another to set the Record's Field value to the value associated with that column.

Kanban View Settings

Kanban Columns

  • Stacking field - the Field to use to group Records into columns
  • "Unassigned" column - where to display a column for Records which do not have one of the available column Field values
  • Sort Columns (only available when using a Reference of Join Field to group columns) - sort the records in the related Collection before the Kanban columns are drawn
  • Filter Columns (only available when using a Reference of Join Field to group columns) - filter the records in the related Collection before the Kanban columns are drawn

Kanban Cards

  • Show title - whether to show the Record titles on the front of the cards
  • Cover image field - a Field to use to display an image on the front of cards
  • Card field values - how to display the values of Fields on the front of cards. Useful for hiding fields with an empty value to decrease visual noise in the View
  • Card field labels - how to display the labels of Fields on the front of cards. Useful for decreasing visual noise in the View
  • Record Colour - display a coloured "flash" down the left-hand edge of cards
  • Card Fields - which Collection Fields to display on the "front" of the cards

Grid View

A Grid View is a "Collection" View displaying Records in a grid like a spreadsheet. Records are displayed in rows, and the columns are defined by Fields in the Collection. Which Fields are included in the View, and their order in the View, is configurable in the View's settings.

The Grid View is similar to the List View, but the Grid View is horizontally scrollable (shortcut: Shift+Scrollwheel), allowing a large number of Fields in a single Collection to be displayed together.

Columns can be manually resized to fit the content. Hover the mouse over a column header until the handle appears, then drag it with the mouse to resize the column. Rows can be set to one a number of heights, click the Rows button in the View settings bar, then select a new row height.

To select a cell, simply click the cell. The currently selected cell can be moved with the keyboard, use the arrow keys, home, end, page up, and page down keys.

To open a Record in the Grid View, perform one of the following:

  • double-click on any cell in the target row
  • with a cell in the target row selected, press enter
  • with a cell in the target row selected, press spacebar

Grid View Settings

  • Grid columns - configure which Fields in the Collection should be displayed as columns in the grid
    • optionally override the column header label, the default value is the Field name
    • hide the Field in the View - useful for keeping the Field's configuration, but temporarily hiding it

Calendar View

The Calendar View is a "Collection" View displaying Records as events in a Calendar. The Calendar can display month, week and list views.

Records can be displayed multiple times on the same Calendar using different Fields. For example, a content publishing calendar may display multiple events for the same Article Record, for "writing", "reviewing", "publishing", etc.

Record events in the Calendar must have a start time, and may optionally have an end time. Record events can be dragged in the View to quickly update their start time. If the events have an end time, the ends of the event boxes can be dragged to update the end time.

To open a Record, simply click the event in the Calendar.

Calendar View Settings

  • Calendar Fields - configure which Fields in the Collection should be used to display Record events in the Calendar
    • start field - the Field to use for the event's start time (must be a Date or Timestamp Field)
    • end field (optional) - the Field to use for the event's end time (must be the same Field type as the start field)
    • a label to describe what this series represents
    • the colour of the event on the calendar
    • whether the field should be editable by dragging or resizing the event in the Calendar
    • hide the Field in the View - useful for keeping the Field's configuration, but temporarily hiding it

Gantt View

The Gantt View is coming soon

The Gantt View will be a "Collection" View displaying Records in a Gantt Chart.

Detail View

The Detail View is a "Record" View displaying the data from a single Record in a configurable layout.

Detail Views are constructed from a number of elements:

  • Field - a Field in the selected Record. The value in the Field is editable
  • Heading - a line of text in a larger font for use as a section heading
  • Row - a container for other elements, displaying the contained elements in a horizontal row. In mobile mode, the contained elements are displayed in a column instead
  • Column - a container for other elements, displaying the contained elements in a vertical column
  • Tabbed Pane - a container for other elements, displaying the contents of exactly one tab at a time
  • Related Table - a table of related Records. These Records are found using a Reference or Join field in the selected Record. The Fields to display are configurable, and the related Records can be sorted and filtered

Detail View Settings

Detail View Structure

The structure of the Detail View is completely editable. Add elements with the buttons, and remove elements with the buttons. Move elements by dragging the element to its new position in the View structure using the handle.

Certain elements have configurable settings:

  • Field - which Field is displayed from the Record
  • Heading - the text to display
  • Tabbed Pane - the labels to display in the tabs
  • Related Table
    • the Reference or Join Field in the current Record to use to find related Records
    • the Fields in the related Records to display
    • any sorts to apply to the related Records
    • any filters to apply to the related Records

Form View

The Form View is a "Record" View which allows for the creation of new Records in the specified Collection. The Form View is designed for creating new Records, not viewing existing Records. It is particularly useful when shared, enabling data to e easily gathered from Workspace Members and other collaborators.

Form Views display a number of elements in a vertical list which can be configured in the View's settings. The available elements are:

  • Field - a Field in the new Record to be inserted
  • Heading - a larger heading to act as a title for a section of the Form
  • Separator - a horizontal separator
  • Paragraph - some markdown formatted text to provide instructions or other relevant information

Any number of these elements can be included in any order in the Form.

After submitting the Form, certain actions can be performed, including:

  • allowing the user to submit another submission using the same form
  • redirect to a specified URL
  • run a selected Custom Function

Form View Settings

Form Style

  • Form title - a large title at the start of the Form
  • Subtitle / Description - a smaller subtitle or description for the Form
  • Cover image URL - the URL of an image to display across the top of the background area behind the main Form card
  • Form logo URL - the URL of a logo image to display at the top of the Form card
  • Form background - a CSS expression overriding the default Form background behind the main Form card

Form Elements

The list of elements contained in the form is completely editable. Add elements with the buttons at the top of the list, and remove elements with the buttons. Reorder elements by dragging elements to their new positions in the list using the handles.

Field elements have configurable settings:

  • Label - the label to display be the form input element - the name of the selected Field by default
  • Field - the Field in the new Record to be edited
  • Hint - an optional short piece of text to display next to the Field if any clarification or other information is required
  • Required - whether a value is required to be entered to enable submission of the Form

Form Submission

  • Submit button label - the label in the submit button at the bottom of the Form
  • Submit button colour - the colour of the submit button at the bottom of the Form
  • Message after submission - a message to display to the user after the Form has been submitted
  • Action after submission - an action to perform after the Form has been submitted
  • Redirect URL - a URL to redirect the user to after submitting the Form, if that action is selected
  • Function to run - a Custom Function to run after the Form is submitted

Report View

The Report View is coming soon

The Report View will be a "Record" View displaying read-only values from a Record or related Records, designed for use as an output.

Dashboard View

A Dashboard View is a "Project" View displaying Records and values from a number of Collections in the Project.

Dashboard Views are constructed from a number of elements:

  • Heading - a line of text in a larger font for use as a section heading
  • Text - some markdown formatted text to provide a description or more information about an element or section
  • Row - a container for other elements, displaying the contained elements in a horizontal row. In mobile mode, the contained elements are displayed in a column instead
  • Column - a container for other elements, displaying the contained elements in a vertical column
  • Button - a single button that can either run a selected Custom Function, or open a selected View
  • Metric - a number from a Record Field or Custom Function with a label and icon
  • Gauge - a number from a Record Field or Custom Function displayed in a gauge indicating the value as a position on an arc of a circle
  • Chart - values from one or more Fields in a Collection displayed in a chart. Various chart types are available, including:
    • Bar - plot data as vertical bars and show trends
    • Line - plot points on a line and show trends
    • Pie - show relational proportions between data
    • Radar - compare variations between two datasets
    • Scatter - plot points on a 2D grid
    • Bubble - scatter chart with extra data dimension
    • Polar Area - show data proportions with scale
  • Records - a table of Records from a specified Collection. The Fields to display are configurable, and the Records can be sorted and filtered

Where possible, the Dashboard elements "listen" to the sources of their data, and update when appropriate. For some elements and data sources this is not possible, so the Dashboard can be set to automatically refresh at a configurable interval.

Dashboard View Settings

Dashboard Settings

  • Auto refresh - whether the Dashboard should automatically refresh, and if so, at what interval

Dashboard Structure

The structure of the Dashboard View is completely editable. Add elements with the buttons, and remove elements with the buttons. Move elements by dragging the element card to its new position in the View structure.

Certain elements have configurable settings:

  • Heading - the heading text to display
  • Text - the markdown text to display
  • Row - how child elements should be aligned. The setting is also applied in the settings modal for immediate feedback
  • Column - (none)
  • Button
    • the label to display in the button
    • the button's "mode", one of:
      • "Open View" - also requires a target View to be selected
      • "Run Custom Function" - also requires a target Custom Function to be selected
  • Metric
    • title - optional larger text to display alongside the metric value
    • subtitle - optional smaller text to display below the metric value
    • icon - the icon to display alongside the metric value
    • colour - the colour of the metric card
    • colour mode - how to apply the colour to the metric card, either: just the icon; the card's foreground; the card's background
    • value type - how the metric value should be found, one of:
      • single value - also requires a single number to be entered
      • Custom Function result - also requires a Custom Function returning a number to be selected
      • Record Field value - also requires a numeric Field in a Record in any Collection to be selected
  • Gauge
    • title - optional larger text to display alongside the gauge
    • subtitle - optional smaller text to display below the gauge
    • value type - how the metric value should be found, one of:
      • single value - also requires a single number to be entered
      • Custom Function result - also requires a Custom Function returning a number to be selected
      • Record Field value - also requires a numeric Field in a Record in any Collection to be selected
    • min value - the minimum value at the left-hand end of the gauge arc
    • max value - the maximum value at the right-hand end of the gauge arc
    • angle - the angle in degrees of gauge displayed
    • value colour - the colour of the desirable value area between any warning and danger areas
    • lower danger - whether to display a danger area at the left-hand end of the gauge, and to what value the area extends from the bottom
    • lower warning - whether to display a warning area at the left-hand end of the gauge, and to what value the area extends from the bottom
    • upper warning - whether to display a warning area at the right-hand end of the gauge, and to what value the area extends from the top
    • upper danger - whether to display a danger area at the right-hand end of the gauge, and to what value the area extends from the top
  • Chart
    • title - the title displayed at the top of the chart
    • chart type - the type of chart to display, one of:
      • Bar - plot data as vertical bars and show trends
      • Line - plot points on a line and show trends
      • Pie - show relational proportions between data
      • Radar - compare variations between two datasets
      • Scatter - plot points on a 2D grid
      • Bubble - scatter chart with extra data dimension
      • Polar Area - show data proportions with scale
    • Collection - the Collection from which to display data
    • label Field - which Field in the selected Collection will be used to label the Records in the secondary axis
    • sort - a sort to apply to the Records in the Collection before they are drawn in the chart
    • filter - a filter to apply to the Records in the Collection before they are drawn in the chart
    • chart series - the list of series to display in the chart. Series can be added with the Add Series button, reordered by dragging them with the , and removed with the button. Each series includes:
      • label - how the series is labelled
      • Field - which numeric Field in the selected Collection is displayed in the chart
  • Records
    • Collection - which Collection should be displayed in the table of Records
    • Fields - the Fields to display in the table from the selected Collection
    • sort - a sort to apply to the Records before they are displayed in the table
    • filter - a filter to apply to the Records before they are displayed in the table

Custom View

Docs coming soon!

View Triggers

View Triggers enable Custom Functions to be executed in response to certain View events. View Triggers are similar to Record Triggers. Most View types support View Triggers, however Form Views do not. Currently, there is only one view event to trigger a Custom Function:

  • On open - this event occurs when a user opens a View. This can be useful for preparing data, refreshing metrics, or conditionally opening another View

Any Custom Function can be executed after a View event Triggers. The View emitting the event will be available in the context of the Custom Function (see the Custom Functions page for more information about context).

To edit View Triggers, open the View's settings then select the Triggers & Actions tab. Select the Custom Function to execute in the dropdown associated with the target View event, then Save the settings.

View Actions

View Actions let users run Custom Functions from within a View. This can be useful to create custom steps in a workflow where using a Button field is inappropriate or not possible. View Actions are similar to Record Actions.

The Custom Function will have the current View available in its context when it is executed. A View Action can execute any Custom Function in the Project.

To run a View Action, click the More button in the View settings bar, then select View Actions..., then select the desired Action from the list.

To edit View actions, open the View's settings then select the Triggers & Actions tab. Click the Add Action button to add a new Action, then edit the label and select the Custom Function that should be executed. Actions can be reordered by dragging them with the handle. Remove Actions by clicking the button. Click Save to confirm the new settings.

Printing Views

Please see the Printing Views page.

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